Sunday, February 20, 2011

A busy week.

Let me start off  by saying that today, I  could probably be a little more apathetic, but I just don't feel like trying.

Dale left around noon after spending a week up here and we got a TON done. But now I have a cold and it feels like my brain has swollen up to the size of a beach ball - no amount of sinus meds seem to be doing the trick here. So feeling foggy in the head is not very conducive to creativity. Besides, having to blow your nose every 5 minutes is a real drag!

However, I figured that if I didn't share today I'd just never get around to it. We built bedrooms - mind you these aren't anything spectacular. BUT, having two more bedrooms here is 1000 times better than what we had before - which was a living/bed room combo that we shared with LD. Building the bedrooms also means that the room we were all sharing previously is now a HUGE living room with plenty of space for everyone to lounge around!

One of the biggest challenges we faced was that we had to build around several things - existing counters, left over refrigerators from the restaurant etc. For our bedroom, the space was divided by a wall and a sliding glass door. We opted to turn the space on the outside of the sliding door into what will eventually become a closet. We also had to frame around a counter and two refrigerator units.

After we got the closet portion walled off (and insulated) we moved on to framing and walling in what would become our bedroom:

Daddy's little helper:

After our room was all constructed, we moved on to work on what would be LD's space. And here's where things got really crowded - the weather turned crappy and prevented us from being able to cut any wood outside... plus we'd used up a lot of our space making our room. We were cutting 2x4's and the OSB board IN our room:

Once all the walls were up, it was time to paint and lay carpet:

Once the carpet & paint were done, and our ceiling fan was up (by the way, tough to get a good shot of a ceiling fan while it's running. I recommend turning it off before trying to get a good shot:

Then we moved everything in.

What really amazed me was how well our room tied together - the paint was purchased during the summer of 2009 - BEFORE we moved up and decided we were going to build bedrooms. Dale picked the carpet without having a clue about the paint, and then he also picked the drapes and they matched our bed spread really well. I'm not sure we could have pulled this off if we'd tried - the paint was a "second" (already mixed and then the person changed their mind) and the carpet was a remnant. Every day the carpet grows on me a little more... it's fun, and funky, and I love it.

While LD's room is tiny - barely 7x10, it's totally perfect for a six year old boy. The bed sits up on a platform which allowed two small dressers to be under the bed. It also raised the bed up high enough that it was pretty much AT window level - the opening was at one time a window. We were going to close it off but he was having such a great time climbing back & forth through it during the construction phase that we decided to leave it. At some point we may have to put up a curtain or folding doors but for now, he's loving it. Yes, that is a giant cardboard tube against the wall - when we unrolled the carpet LD snagged it and that was all there was to it.

There was also JUST enough room at the foot of the bed for shelves for toys:

The snowfall has been pretty impressive this week too. Straight snowfall was probably in the neighborhood of  3 feet, and with the winds blowing like we were in Kansas, we had drifts that were taller than LD. And that's not even counting where it slid off the roof. In all, it's a winter wonderland. Yesterday I posted on FB about how if I hadn't shoveled around my car on Thursday I wouldn't be able to see it at all - well here's what it looks like today: 

And here's one of the walk ways: 

With cryastal clear skies today, it was a perfect time for LD to spend some time out in the snow:

And now I'm going to curl up with a blankie, watch a movie and hope my head doesn't implode.

1 comment:

  1. Holy cow jade. I know some ski resorts that don't have that much snow. LD is loving it I can tell. My boys would go nuts if they ever saw that much snow. your car looks like it is going to implode from the weight. your new room additions are really nice. did you get the mess cleaned up before you got sick? Is Dale eventually going to move in permanently? I remember when we remodeled our kitchen and added on a family room and bedroom about 10 years ago. we had such a mess. omg It was just unreal. then we didn't have any furniture. and just particle board on the floor. we had outdoor plastic chairs in the family room forever. but it was so great. we just sat out there and looked over our new digs and were so happy. enjoy your new space, I know you earned it and I hope you feel better soon. Zyrtec is really good, I take it every day for allergies.
