Sunday, May 1, 2011

Finally.... Easter!

I have been having "technical difficulties" recently with my computer. In particular, every time I tried to edit and save a picture from my camera to my laptop, I would get the infamous "blue screen of death" and I'd have to scramble to quickly shut down the system in the hopes that everything would be ok. So far so good.

Here I am again, trying to share about our Easter weekend. We spent it in Chico, enjoying beautiful weather, yummy food and a great visit from the Easter Bunny for LD. My mom's yard is in full bloom right now, except for a few of the larger plants (Rose of Sharon, Butterfly Bush etc) so I got some great spring images to tide us over until Sierraville is a bit  um.... less frigid? Ok so it's not North Pole frigid, but it's a heck of a lot cooler, particularly at night, than it is in Chico.

And the hunt begins by finding the basket with the first round of goodies

Then off to find the eggs

Sometimes it takes the help of Daddy and Grandpa to find them all

Ok guys, the work is over, let's have some food!

Wait Daddy & Grandpa, first I have to check out the goods and organize everything

Not sure about these chocolate coins... better try some out...

Oh yea... that's good stuff!

Hold on a minute... Who's game was this?

Some of the pretties growing in my mom's yard

And the native gardener!

Only one of the kitties decided to join us today - why, hello Monkey Boy!

Some of mom's kitties aren't so mobile....

And not all the croquet players can drink beer either...

I hope everyone else had a wonderful Easter!

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